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George Ivison Ross was a town doctor and member of the Board of Health in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Nahum Capen was a publisher and advocate for the Canton Public Library.
Sheila Cheimets was elected the first woman member of the Board of Selectmen in March 1972.
John Fish was the founder and superintendent of the Massachusetts Hospital School.
William H Galvin, 1963
Frank Powers and Jenie Forte Keleher, ca. 1955-1963
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Useful Links:
Canton Citizen
Canton Historical Society
Canton Journal
Canton Town Documents On-line
Canton Town Hall
The Echo: the Canton High School Yearbooks
Library of Congress
Massachusetts Historical Society
Massachusetts State Archives
National Archives and Records Administration
New England Genealogical Society
OCLN Online Catalog
Smithsonian Institute
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