
George Ivison Ross

Page history last edited by John Healey 13 years, 6 months ago


George Ivison Ross, ca. 1909 (Dan Keleher Collection


George Ivison Ross1


George Ivison Ross was born in Newport, RI on May 25, 1847 to David and Mary (Ivison) Ross. As a young adult he worked in the drug store of his brother-in-law and it was this work that drew his attention to the medical profession and in 1876 he graduated from John Hopkins University and opened a practice in Canterbury, CT. In 1879 he performed a skin grafting operation upon a ten (10) year old boy who had fallen into a container of boiling water. Meanwhile in 1872 Ross married Marion Underwood and together had two (2) daughters Margaret and Marion Etta and during the birth of the latter Mrs. Ross died (in 1884). After her death George Ivison moved with his family to Canton where purchased a home on Washington Street  naming it Boonie Doon and in the autumn of 1885 he married Ella Baker . He served the community of Canton for thirty (30) years during which time he was a doctor and member of the Board of Health. Dr. Ross died on September 13, 1914 at the age of sixty-seven due to heart disease.




Dan Keleher, “Historical Perspectives: Boonie Doon's,” Canton Citizen December 17, 1987.


Dan Keleher, “Historical Perspectives: George Ivison Ross, M.D. 1847-1914,” Canton Citizen June 11, 1992.


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