
Messinger Street Playground

Page history last edited by John Healey 13 years, 4 months ago


Messinger Street Playground, ca. 1990 (Dan Keleher Collection)


 Messinger Street Playground1


Messinger Street Playground, also known as Massapoag Cabot Playground, was created after Dr. Arthur Tracy Cabot, the school physician, donated to the town 41/2 acres of land and a $10,000 trust fund to be used for the children of Canton. The playground opened on July 1, 1913 with two baseball fields, swings, slides, see-saws, and goal posts for football. The site was also home to the town’s first pool that was made from sand and gravel and filled with fresh water; provide a place for youths to cool off after a game or on a hot day. In 1914 Guy M. MacVickar, the first supervisor of the playground, reported the daily attendance during the summer of 1914 was 50 to 80 children; he went on to report that the popular games included: bean-bag baseball, tether ball, checkers and also stated that the swings were in high demand. The playground underwent a renovation in the 1990s.




Dan Keleher, “Historical Perspectives: Massapoag Cabot Playground,” Canton Citizen June 30, 1988.


Dan Keleher, “Historical Perspectives: First Municipal Swimming Pool, 1912,” Canton Citizen August 23, 1990.


Dan Keleher, “Historical Perspectives: Canton’s First Public Playground,” Canton Citizen October 11, 1990.

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